Philosophy + Background

The Principles of the Restoration Movement are based on Jesus’ prayer in John 17.
This was a prayer offered shortly before Jesus’ death.
Final words are very important – Jesus concerns in this prayer are very importan

Central Ideas of Jesus’ Prayer
– This was a prayer for ALL Christians (John 17:20)
TRUTH (i.e., Restoration)
Truth = God’s Word

“Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth”

John 17:17

Alexander Campbell published a series of essays entitled “The Restoration of theAncient Order of Things”.
KEY: A goal of the Restoration Movement remains to restore/return to New Testament ways & practices.

UNITY (John 17:21) – “that they may all be one
Another goal of the Restoration Movement is to practice & promote Christian unity.
We live in a world of division: Divided homes, political division, racial division, economic division, etc.
A united church is a powerful witness to Christ.

“In essentials, Unity; In non-essentials, Liberty; In all things, Love”.

Restoration Movement slogan

EVANGELISM (John 17:21) – “that the world may believe that you sent Me”.

UNITY and TRUTH create a healthy, necessary tension
If our ultimate goal is UNITY, then we can be open to all beliefs or ideas in aneffort to bring people together as a united group. If our ultimate goal is TRUTH, then we can become so narrow and legalisticthat we believe we are the only ones who are correct and we condemn toHell all who disagree.
The idea that balances out the tension between UNITY and TRUTH is REACHING THE WORLD FOR CHRIST.
The primary goal of the Restoration Movement was not merely UNITY or TRUTH, but WINNING THE WORLD TO CHRIST.This movement seeks to promote the TRUTH of God’s Word and to promote the UNITY of God’s people for the purpose of REACHING OTHERS IN CHRIST. UNITY and TRUTH are tools for EVANGELISM.