Expansion + Unified Movement

Stone and Campbell Movement’s Unite

1830 – Two prominent Reform Movements had developed in American Christianity:

1. Christian Connection (Stone’s Followers) – c.15,000 members

2. Disciples of Christ (Campbell’s Followers) – c.12,000-20,000 members

1831​ – Barton W. Stone (Christian) and John T. Johnson (Disciple) were in Georgetown, Kentucky, and noticed the similarities of the two groups.
1831​-​1832​ – Stone and Johnson called for two unity meetings between the Reform Movements
Main Speakers​: “Raccoon” John Smith (Disciple) and Barton W. Stone (Christian)
Dec. 23-26, 1831​ – First Unity Meeting in Georgetown, Kentucky.
Dec. 30, 1831-Jan. 2, 1832​ – Second Unity Meeting in Lexington, Kentucky

Let us, then, my brethren, be nolonger Campbellites or Stoneites, New Lights or Old Lights, or any other kind of lights, but let us all come to the Bible, and to the Bible alone, as the only book in the world that can give us all the Light we need.

“Raccoon” John Smith

“I am willing to give him, now and here, my hand” – Symbolizing the unity of the two groups.

Barton W. Stone

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1832​ – John Rogers and “Raccoon” John Smith embarked on a three-year tour announcing to the churches the unity between the two Reform Movements.

Further Expansion & Movement Leaders
The Restoration Movement became the fastest growing American religious movement of the 19th century

Numerous noteworthy evangelists proclaimed the Gospel of Christ and theprinciples of the Restoration Movement throughout the country:
Samuel Rogers – Missouri
Pardee Butler – Kansas
Tolbert Fanning – Throughout the South
Knowles Shaw (“The Singing Evangelist”) – Throughout the Midwest
Thomas Caskey – Texas

And many, many more!